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Brain Tumor Immunotherapy Lab

Wir entwickeln neuartige Therapiekonzepte gegen bösartige Hirntumore (Gliome). Insbesondere sind wir daran interessiert, Immunzellen in der Umgebung des Tumors (Mikroglia und Makrophagen) und andere körpereigene Abwehrzellen (z.B. T-Zellen) so umzuprogrammieren, dass sie den Tumor angreifen. Dazu setzen wir experimentelle Mausmodelle ein, unsere Konzepte werden aber auch an Hirntumorgewebe von Patienten validiert.
Brain Tumor Biology Lab


Brain Ischemia, Regeneration and Stemm Cell Labor

Prof. Raphael Guzman
Chefarzt und Klinikleiter
Neurochirurgie / Pädiatrische Neurochirurgie
Leiter Innovations-Focus Pädiatrische Neurochirurgie
Clinical Neurosurgical Research Network Basel

Prof. Jehuda Soleman
Leitender Arzt
Neurochirurgie / Pädiatrische Neurochirurgie
Leiter Klinische Forschung
Eminent-ICH Studie

Prof. Jehuda Soleman
Leitender Arzt
Neurochirurgie / Pädiatrische Neurochirurgie
Leiter Klinische Forschung
Unsere Publikationen
Medizinischer 3D-Druck am Universitätsspital Basel
Am Universitätsspital Basel ist im August zum ersten Mal einem Patienten eine künstliche Schädeldecke implantiert worden, die am USB eigens für ihn hergestellt wurde. Nach mehrjähriger Forschung und Entwicklung ist es dem USB als erstem Spital in Europa gelungen, im 3D-Druckverfahren Implantate zu produzieren, die den Ansprüchen der internationalen Medizinprodukte-Standards genügen.
Publikationen Klinik für Neurochirurgie Universitätsspital Basel 2023
Peer-reviewed articles
- Frank NA, Greuter L, Guzman R, Soleman J. Early surgical approaches in pediatric epilepsy - a systematic review and meta-analysis. Childs Nervous System 2023. Impact Factor: 1.4
- Rychen J, Saemann A, Fingerlin T, Guzman R, Mariani L, Greuter L, Soleman J. Risks and benefits of continuation and discontinuation of aspirin in elective craniotomies: a systematic review and pooled-analysis. Acta Neurochirurgica 2023. Impact Factor: 2.4
- Roethlisberger M, Aghlmandi S, Rychen J, Chiappini A, Zumofen DW, Bawarjan S, Stienen MN, Fung C, D'Alonzo D, Maldaner N, Steinsiepe VK, Corniola MV, Goldberg J, Cianfoni A, Robert T, Maduri R, Saliou G, Starnoni D, Weber J, Seule MA, Gralla J, Bervini D, Kulcsar Z, Burkhardt JK, Bozinov O, Remonda L, Marbacher S, Lövblad KO, Psychogios M, Bucher HC, Mariani L, Bijlenga P, Blackham KA, Guzman R; Swiss SOS group. Impact of Very Small Aneurysm Size and Anterior Communicating Segment Location on Outcome after Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. Neurosurgery Impact factor: 5.315
- Ebel F, Greuter L, Mariani L, Guzman R, Soleman J. Intracranial Neuroendoscopy in Children and Adults: Where Do the Differences Lie? World Neurosurgery. Impact Factor: 2.0
- Hallenberger TJ, Guzman R, Soleman J. Minimally invasive image-guided endoscopic evacuation of intracerebral haemorrhage: How I Do it. Acta Neurochirurgica 2023. Impact Factor: 2.4
- Ebel F, Scön S, Sharma N, Guzman R, Mariani L, Thieringer FM, Soleman J. Clinical and patient-reported outcome after patient- specific 3D printer-assisted cranioplasty. Neurosurgical Review 2023. Impact Factor: 2.8
- Rusche T, Wasserthal J, Breit HC, Fischer U, Guzman R, Fiehler J, Psychogios MN, Sporns PB. Machine Learning for Onset Prediction of Patients with Intracerbral Hemorrhage. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2023. Impact Factor: 3.9
- Brégère C, Fisch U, Halbeisen FS, Schneider C, Dittmar T, Stricker S, Aghlmandi S, Guzman R. Doublecortin and Glypican-2 concentrations in the cerebrospinal fluid from infants are developmentally downregulated. PLoS One 2023. Impact factor: 3.7
- Saemann A, Busch S, Taub E, Westermann B, Granziera C, Guzman R, Mariani L, Soleman J, Rychen J. Hemiparkinsonism caused by a lateral sphenoid wing meningioma, with tractography analysis: illustrative case. Journal of Neurosurgery 2023. Impact Factor: 4.1
- Smolensky I, Zajac-Bakri K, Odermatt TS, Brégère C, Cryan JF, Guzman R, Timper K, Inta D. Sex-specific differences in metabolic hormone and adipose tissue dynamics induced by moderate low-carbohydrate and ketogenic diet. Scientific Reports 2023. Impact Factor: 4.6
- Rychen J, Weiger VF, Halbeisen FS, Ebel F, Ullmann M, Mariani L, Guzman R, Soleman J. Perioperative continuation or ultra-early resumption of antithrombotics in elective neurosurgical cranial procedures. Neurosurgical Focus 2023. Impact Factor: 4.1
- Ruf L, Greuter L, Guzman R, Soleman J. Distal shunt placement in pediatric ventriculoperitoneal shunt surgery: an international survey of practice. Childs Nervous System 2023. Impact Factor: 1.4
- Ebel F, Lichter E, Mariani L, Guzman R, Soleman J. Rapid Versus Gradual Weaning of External Ventricular Drain: A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-analysis. Neurocritical Care 2023. Impact Factor: 3.5
- Roethlisberger M, Aghlmandi S, Rychen J, Chiappini A, Zumofen DW, Bawarjan S, Stienen MN, Fung C, D'Alonzo D, Maldaner N, Steinsiepe VK, Corniola MV, Goldberg J, Cianfoni A, Robert T, Maduri R, Saliou G, Starnoni D, Weber J, Seule MA, Gralla J, Bervini D, Kulcsar Z, Burkhardt JK, Bozinov O, Remonda L, Marbacher S, Lövblad KO, Psychogios M, Bucher HC, Mariani L, Bijlenga P, Blackham KA, Guzman R; Swiss SOS group. Impact of Very Small Aneurysm Size and Anterior Communicating Segment Location on Outcome after Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. Neurosurgery 2023. Impact Factor: 4.8
- Greuter L, Rychen J, Chiappini A, Mariani L, Guzman R, Soleman J. Management of Patients undergoing Elective Craniotomy under Antiplatelet or Anticoagulation Therapy: An International Survey of Practice. Journal of Neurological Surgery Part A-Central European Neurosurgery 2023. Impact Factor: 1.0
- Polymeris AA, Karwacki GM, Siepen BM, Schaedelin S, Tsakiris DA, Stippich C, Guzman R, Nickel CH, Sprigg N, Kägi G, Vehoff J, Barinka F, Thilemann S, Maurer M, Wagner B, Traenka C, Gensicke H, De Marchis GM, Bonati LH, Fischer U, Z'Graggen WJ, Nedeltchev K, Wegener S, Baumgartner P, Engelter ST, Seiffge DJ, Peters N, Lyrer PA; TICH-NOAC Investigators. Tranexamic Acid for Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Patients on Non-Vitamin K Antagonist Oral Anticoagulants (TICH-NOAC): A Multicenter, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Phase 2 Trial. STROKE 2023. Impact Factor: 8.4
- Greuter L, Hallenberger T, Guzman R, Soleman J. Neurosurgical Treatment and Outcome of Pediatric Skull Base Lesions: A Case Series and Review of the Literature. Children- Basel 2023. Impact Factor: 2.4
- Etter MM, Nguyen A, Brehm A, Aberle C, Tsogkas I, Guzman R, Dmytriw AA, Parra-Farinas C, Mascitelli JR, Pereira VM, Starke RM, Fragata I, Reis J, Wolfe SQ, Porto GB, Spiotta AM, Psychogios MN. Endovascular Treatment and Peri-interventional Management of Ruptured Cerebrovascular Lesions During Pregnancy : Case Series and Case-based Systematic Review. Clinical Neuroradiology 2023. Impact Factor: 2.8
- Lund MC, Ellman DG, Nielsen PV, Raffaele S, Fumagalli M, Guzman R, Degn M, Brambilla R, Meyer M, Clausen BH, Lambertsen KL. Selective Inhibition of Soluble Tumor Necrosis Factor Alters the Neuroinflammatory Response following Moderate Spinal Cord Injury in Mice. Biology-Basel 2023. Impact Factor: 4.2
- Greuter L, Ullmann M, Guzman R, Soleman J. Mortality of Surgically Treated Neurotrauma in Elderly Patients and the Development of a Prediction Score: Geriatric Neurotrauma Mortality Score. World Neurosurgery 2023. Impact Factor: 2.0
- Saemann A, Schulze-Zachau V, Guzman R, Hutter G. Delayed headache 11 years after a pub fight: an unusual spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage succeeding a temporal glass shard injury. Illustrative case. Journal of Neurosurgery 2023. Impact Factor: 4.1
- Rasadurai A, Frank NA, Greuter LA, Licci M, Weber P, Jünemann S, Guzman R, Soleman J. Patient- and Caregiver-Reported Outcome Measures after Single-Level Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy in Pediatric and Young Adult Patients with Spastic Cerebral Palsy. Pediatric Neurosurgery 2023. Impact Factor: 0.7
- Nevzati E, Poletti N, Spiessberger A, Bäbler S, Studer G, Riklin C, Diebold J, Chatain GP, Finn M, Witt JP, Moser M, Mariani L. Establishing the Swiss Spinal Tumor Registry (Swiss-STR): a prospective observation of surgical treatment patterns and long-term outcomes in patients with primary and metastatic spinal tumors. Frontiers in Surgery 2023. Impact Factor: 1.8
- Andereggen L, Tortora A, Schubert GA, Musahl C, Frey J, Luedi MM, Mariani L, Beck J, Christ E. Prolactinomas in adolescent and elderly patients-A comparative long-term analysis. Frontiers in Surgery 2023. Impact Factor: 1.8
- von Rotz M, Kuehl R, Durovic A, Zingg S, Apitz A, Wegner F, Seth-Smith HMB, Roloff T, Leuzinger K, Hirsch HH, Kuster S, Battegay M, Mariani L, Schaeren S, Bassetti S, Banderet-Uglioni F, Egli A, Tschudin-Sutter S. A systematic outbreak investigation of SARS-CoV-2 transmission clusters in a tertiary academic care center. Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control 2023. Impact Factor: 5.5
- El Rahal A, Beck J, Ahlborn P, Bernasconi C, Marbacher S, Wanderer S, Burkhardt JK, Daniel RT, Ferrari A, Hausmann O, Kamenova M, Kothbauer K, Lutz K, Mariani L, Alfieri A, Schöni D, Schucht P, Raabe A, Regli L, Kuhlen D, Seule M, Soleman J, Starnoni D, Zaldivar J, Zweifel C, Schaller K, Fung C. Incidence, therapy, and outcome in the management of chronic subdural hematoma in Switzerland: a population-based multicenter cohort study. Frontiers in Neurology 2023. Impact Factor: 3.4
- Roethlisberger M, Moffa G, Rychen J, Saemann A, Straumann S, Taub E, Zumofen DW, Neddersen H, Westermann B, Bodmer D, Mariani L. Long-term tumor control in Koos grade IV vestibular schwannomas without the need for gross-total resection. Journal of Neurosurgery 2023. Impact Factor: 4.1
- Oancea AA, Saleh C, Cordier D, Schoepfer R, Lieb J. Does Functional Imaging Play a Role in Pre-Operative Diagnosis of Brain Tumours? Fortschritte der Neurologie Psychiatrie 2023. Impact Factor: 0.6
- Krolicki L, Kunikowska J, Cordier D, Slavova N, Koziara H, Bruchertseifer F, Maecke HR, Morgenstern A, Merlo A. Long-Term Tumor Control Following Targeted Alpha Therapy (TAT) of Low-Grade Gliomas (LGGs): A New Treatment Paradigm? International Journal of Molecular Science 2023. Impact Factor: 5.6
- Oancea AA, Saleh C, Cordier D, Schoepfer R, Lieb J. Correction: Does Functional Imaging Play a Role in Pre-Operative Diagnosis of Brain Tumours? Fortschritte der Neurologie Psychiatrie 2023. Impact Factor: 0.6
- Schmassmann P, Roux J, Buck A, Tatari N, Hogan S, Wang J, Rodrigues Mantuano N, Wieboldt R, Lee S, Snijder B, Kaymak D, Martins TA, Ritz MF, Shekarian T, McDaid M, Weller M, Weiss T, Läubli H, Hutter G. Targeting the Siglec-sialic acid axis promotes antitumor immune responses in preclinical models of glioblastoma. Science Translational Medicine 2023. Impact Factor: 17.1
- Leu S, Hutter G, Boulay JL. Proteome-based insights for IDH-mutant glioma classification. Cell Reports Medicine 2023. Impact Factor: 14.3
- Uzun S, Zinner CP, Beenen AC, Alborelli I, Bartoszek EM, Yeung J, Calgua B, Reinscheid M, Bronsert P, Stalder AK, Haslbauer JD, Vosbeck J, Mazzucchelli L, Hoffmann T, Terracciano LM, Hutter G, Manz M, Panne I, Boettler T, Hofmann M, Bengsch B, Heim MH, Bernsmeier C, Jiang S, Tzankov A, Terziroli Beretta-Piccoli B, Matter MS. Morphologic and molecular analysis of liver injury after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination reveals distinct characteristics. Journal of Hepatology 2023. Impact Factor: 25.7
- Borisov V, Gili Sole L, Reid G, Milan G, Hutter G, Grapow M, Eckstein FS, Isu G, Marsano A. Upscaled Skeletal Muscle Engineered Tissue with In Vivo Vascularization and Innervation Potential. Bioengineering-Basel 2023. Impact Factor: 4.6
- Soleman J, Roth J, Constantini S. Chiari Type 1 Malformation and Syringomyelia in Children: Classification and Treatment Options. Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery 2023.
- Soleman J, Macdonald RL, Seiffge D, Greuter L. Introduction. Antithrombotic medication in neurosurgery: management and controversies of a growing clinical dilemma. Neurosurgical Focus 2023. Impact Factor: 4.1
- Kozyrev DA, Srinivasan HL, Soleman J, Perekopayko Y, Constantini S, Roth J. The role of messaging services in day-to-day practice in pediatric neurosurgery, advantages of a bubble network, and an international survey. Childs Nervous System 2023. Impact Factor: 1.4
- Kamenova M, Li E, Soleman J, Fiebig O, Mehrkens A, Schaeren S. Posterior stabilization with polyetheretherketone (PEEK) rods and transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF) with titanium rods for single-level lumbar spine degenerative disease in patients above 70 years of age. Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery 2023. Impact Factor: 2.3
- Ebel F, Tschudin-Sutter S, Weisser M, Roethlisberger M. Letter to the Editor. Reconsidering risk factors for ventriculostomy-related infections. Journal of Neurosurgery 2023. Impact Factor: 4.1
- Westarp E, Thieringer FM, Roethlisberger M. Precision Surgery for Orbital Cavernous Hemangiomas: The Role of Three-Dimensional Printing in Individualized Resection-An Educational Experience. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2023. Impact Factor: 0.9
- Roethlisberger M, Eberhard NE, Rychen J, Al-Zahid S, Jayapalan RR, Zweifel C, Karuppiah R, Waran V. Supratentorial cerebrospinal fluid diversion using image-guided trigonal ventriculostomy during retrosigmoid craniotomy for cerebellopontine angle tumors. Frontiers in Surgery 2023. Impact Factor: 1.8
- Leu S, Cahill J, Grundy PL. A prospective study of shared decision-making in brain tumor surgery. Acta Neurochirurgica 2023. Impact Factor: 2.4
- El-Garci A, Zindel-Geisseler O, Dannecker N, Rothacher Y, Schlosser L, Zeitlberger A, Velz J, Sebök M, Eggenberger N, May A, Bijlenga P, Guerra-Lopez U, Maduri R, Beaud V, Starnoni D, Chiappini A, Rossi S, Robert T, Bonasia S, Goldberg J, Fung C, Bervini D, Gutbrod K, Maldaner N, Früh S, Schwind M, Bozinov O, Neidert MC, Brugger P, Keller E, Germans MR, Regli L, Hostettler IC, Stienen MN; MoCA-DCI Study Group; MoCA-DCI Study Group. Successful weaning versus permanent cerebrospinal fluid diversion after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: post hoc analysis of a Swiss multicenter study. Neurosurgical Focus 2023. Impact Factor: 4.1
- Santos AN, Kherif F, Melie-Garcia L, Lutti A, Chiappini A, Rauschenbach L, Dinger TF, Riess C, El Rahal A, Darkwah Oppong M, Sure U, Dammann P, Draganski B. Parkinson's disease may disrupt overlapping subthalamic nucleus and pallidal motor networks. NeuroImage-Clinical 2023. Impact Factor: 4.2
- Schwartz C, Rautalin I, Grauvogel J, Bissolo M, Masalha W, Steiert C, Schnell O, Beck J, Ebel F, Bervini D, Raabe A, Eibl T, Steiner HH, Shlobin NA, Nandoliya KR, Youngblood MW, Chandler JP, Magill ST, Romagna A, Lehmberg J, Fuetsch M, Spears J, Rezai A, Ladisich B, Demetz M, Griessenauer CJ, Niemelä M, Korja M. Surgical Outcome of Patients With Supratentorial Meningiomas Aged 80 Years or Older-Retrospective International Multicenter Study. Neurosurgery 2023. Impact Factor: 4.8
- Greuter L, Ruf L, Guzman R, Soleman J. Open versus laparoscopic ventriculoperitoneal shunt placement in children: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Childs Nervous System 2023. Impact Factor: 1.4
- Lischer M, di Summa PG, Petrou IG, Schaefer DJ, Guzman R, Kalbermatten DF, Madduri S. Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Nerve Tissue Engineering: Bridging Nerve Gap Injuries in Large Animals. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2023. Impact Factor: 5.6
- Nevzati E, Poletti N, Spiessberger A, Bäbler S, Studer G, Riklin C, Diebold J, Chatain GP, Finn M, Witt JP, Moser M, Mariani L. Establishing the Swiss Spinal Tumor Registry (Swiss-STR): a prospective observation of surgical treatment patterns and long-term outcomes in patients with primary and metastatic spinal tumors. Frontiers in Surgery 2023. Impact Factor: 1.8
Publikationen Klinik für Neurochirurgie Universitätsspital Basel 2022
Peer-reviewed articles
- Greuter L, Zweifel Ch, Guzman R, Soleman J. Perioperative Complications of Patients with SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Neurosurgery. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2022 Impact factor: 4.242
- Roethlisberger M, Muller L, Rychen J, Negoias S, Guzman R, Zweifel C, Christ E, Bodmer D, Mariani L, Brand Y. Die endonasal endoskopische Rhino-Neurochirurgie – Technische Fortschritte und Bedeutung für die Praxis. Swiss Medical Forum - Schweizerisches Medizin-Forum.
- Roethlisberger M, Aghlmandi S, Rychen J, Chiappini A, Zumofen DW, Bawarjan S, Stienen MN, Fung C, D'Alonzo D, Maldaner N, Steinsiepe VK, Corniola MV, Goldberg J, Cianfoni A, Robert T, Maduri R, Saliou G, Starnoni D, Weber J, Seule MA, Gralla J, Bervini D, Kulcsar Z, Burkhardt JK, Bozinov O, Remonda L, Marbacher S, Lövblad KO, Psychogios M, Bucher HC, Mariani L, Bijlenga P, Blackham KA, Guzman R; Swiss SOS group. Impact of Very Small Aneurysm Size and Anterior Communicating Segment Location on Outcome after Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. Neurosurgery Impact factor: 5.315
- Maldaner N, Visser V, Hostettler IC, Bijlenga P, Haemmerli J, Roethlisberger M, Guzman R, Daniel RT, Giammattei L, Stienen MN, Regli L, Verbaan D, Post R, Germans MR. External Validation of the HATCH (Hemorrhage, Age, Treatment, Clinical State, Hydrocephalus) Score for Prediction of Functional Outcome After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. Neurosurgery. 2022 Impact factor: 5.315
- Raabe A, Beck J, Goldberg J, Z Graggen WJ, Branca M, Marbacher S, D'Alonzo D, Fandino J, Stienen MN, Neidert MC, Burkhardt JK, Regli L, Hlavica M, Seule M, Roethlisberger M, Guzman R, Zumofen DW, Maduri R, Daniel RT, El Rahal A, Corniola MV, Bijlenga P, Schaller K, Rölz R, Scheiwe C, Shah M, Heiland DH, Schnell O, Fung C. Herniation World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies Scale Improves Prediction of Outcome in Patients With Poor-Grade Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. Stroke Impact factor: 10.170
- Huber M, Luedi M, Schubert G, Musahl Ch, Tortora A, Frey J, Beck J, Mariani L, Christ E, Andereggen L. Machine Learning for Outcome Prediction in First-Line Surgery of Prolactinomas. Frontiers in Endocrinology (Lausanne) Impact factor: 6.055
- Croci DM, Sivanrupan S, Wanderer S, Agnoletto GJ, Chiappini A, Grüter B , Andereggen L, Mariani L, Taussky P, Marbacher S. Preclinical and clinical role of interleukin-6 in the development of delayed cerebral vasospasm and neuronal cell death after subarachnoid hemorrhage: towards a potential target therapy? Neurosurgical Review Impact factor: 2.800
- Reinhold A, Meyer P, Bruder E, Soleman J, von der Weid N, Mueller AA, Savic M. Congenital orbital teratoma: A clinicopathologic case report. American Journal Ophthalmology Impact factor: 5.488
- Wyss J, Frank N, Soleman J, Katrin Scheinemann. Novel Pharmacological Treatment Options in Pediatric Glioblastoma-A Systematic Review. Cancers (Basel) Impact factor: 6.575
- Kozyrev DA, Srinivasan HL, Soleman J, Perekopayko Y, Constantini S, Roth J. The role of messaging services in day-to-day practice in pediatric neurosurgery, advantages of a bubble network, and an international survey. Childs Nervous System Impact factor: 1.532
Ebel F, Greuter L, Guzman R, Soleman J. Transitional Care in Pediatric Brain Tumor Patients: A Systematic Literature Review. Children (Basel) Impact factor: 2.835
Hallenberger T, Guzman R, Bonati LH, Greuter L, Soleman J.Endoscopic surgery for spontaneous supratentorial intracerebral haemorrhage: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in Neurology Impact factor: 4.086
Frank N, Greuter L, Guzman R, Soleman J. Early surgical approaches in pediatric epilepsy - a systematic review and meta-analysis. Childs Nervous System Impact factor: 1.532
Parmigiani E, Ivanek R, Rolando C, Hafen K, Turchinovich G, Lehmann F, Gerber A, Brkic S, Frank S, Meyer S, Wakimoto H, Günel M, Louvi A, Mariani L, Finke D, Holländer G, Hutter G, Tussiwand R, Taylor V, Giachino C. Interferon-γ resistance and immune evasion in glioma develop via Notch-regulated co-evolution of malignant and immune cells. Development Cell Impact factor: 13.417
Stienen M, Germans M, Zindel-Geisseler O, Dannecker N, Rothacher Y, Schlosser L, Velz J, Sebök M , Eggenberger N, May A, Haemmerli J, Bijlenga P, Schaller K, Guerra-Lopez U, Maduri R, Beaud V, Al-Taha K, Daniel R, Chiappini A, Rossi S, Robert T, Bonasia S, Goldberg J, Fung C, Bervini D, Maradan-Gachet M, Gutbrod K, Maldaner N, Neidert M, Früh S, Schwind M, Bozinov O, Brugger P, Keller E, Marr A, Roux S, Regli L; MoCA-DCI Study Group; MoCA-DCI Study Group Contributors. Longitudinal neuropsychological assessment after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage and its relationship with delayed cerebral ischemia: a prospective Swiss multicenter study. Journal of Neurosurgery Impact factor: 5.526
Rychen J, Saemann A, Fingerlin T, Guzman R, Mariani L, Greuter L, Soleman J. Risks and benefits of continuation and discontinuation of aspirin in elective craniotomies: a systematic review and pooled-analysis. Acta Neurochirurgica (Wien) Impact factor: 2.816
Etter MM, Martins T, Kulsvehagen L, Pössnecker E, Duchemin W, Hogan S, Sanabria-Diaz G, Müller J, Chiappini A, Rychen J, Eberhard N, Guzman R, Mariani L, Melie-Garcia L, Keller E, Jelcic I, Pargger H, Siegemund M, Kuhle J, Oechtering J, Eich C, Tzankov A, Matter M, Uzun S, Yaldizli Ö, Lieb J, Psychogios M-N, Leuzinger K, Hirsch H, Granziera C, Pröbstel A-K, Hutter G. Severe Neuro-COVID is associated with peripheral immune signatures, autoimmunity and neurodegeneration: a prospective cross-sectional study. Nature Communications Impact factor: 17.694
Fiore M, Baia M, Conti L, Piccioni F, Mariani L, Pasquali S, Seregni E, Maltese G, Galizia M, Radaelli S, Villa AM, Valenza F, Gronchi A. Residual Adrenal Function After Multivisceral Resection with Adrenalectomy in Adult Patients. JAMA Surgery Impact factor: 16.685
Stricker S, Guzman R, Blauwblomme T, Danielpour M. Is the Choroid Plexus Needed? Pediatric Neurosurgery Impact factor: 1.165
Brégère C, Schwendele B, Radanovic B, Guzman R. Microglia and Stem-Cell Mediated Neuroprotection after Neonatal Hypoxia-Ischemia. Stem Cell Reviews Impact factor: 6.774
Franceschi E, Giannini C, Furtner J, Pajtler K, Asioli S, Guzman R, Seidel C, Gatto L, Hau P. Adult Medulloblastoma: Updates on Current Management and Future Perspectives. Cancers (Basel) Impact factor: 6.575
Segrado F, Cavalleri A, Cantalupi A, Mariani L, Dagnino S, Krogh V, Venturelli E, Agnoli C. A software-assisted untargeted liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry method for lipidomic profiling of human plasma samples. International Journal of Biological Markers Impact factor: 3.248
Ditto A, Maggiore ULR, Lopez S, Martinelli F, Bogani G, Lo Vullo S, Brusadelli C, Paolini B, Ducceschi M, Mantiero M, Chiappa V, Signorelli M, Evangelista M, Mariani L, Raspagliesi F. Uterine serous carcinoma: role of surgery, risk factors and oncologic outcomes. Experience of a tertiary center. European Journal of Surgical Oncology Impact factor: 3.184
Greuter L, Licci M, Terrier A, Guzman R, Soleman J. Minimal invasive interlaminar approach for untethering of fatty filum terminale in pediatric patients - how I do it. Acta Neurochirurgica (Wien) Impact factor: 2.816
Greuter L, Frank N, Guzman R, Soleman J. The Clinical Applications of Liquid Biopsies in Pediatric Brain Tumors: A Systematic Literature Review. Cancers (Basel) Impact factor: 6.575
Ebel F, Greuter L, Guzman R, Soleman J. Resection of brain lesions with a neuroendoscopic ultrasonic aspirator - a systematic literature review. Neurosurgical Review Impact factor: 2.800
Frank N A, Ladina Greuter L, Dill PE, Guzman R, Soleman J. Focal lesionectomy as surgical treatment of epilepsy in patients with Sturge-Weber syndrome: a case-based systematic review and meta-analysis. Neurosurgical Focus Impact factor: 4.332
Etter M, Bonati L, Tsogkas I, Hutter G, Blackham K, Guzman R, Psychogios M-N. Treatment and Postinterventional Management of a Fusiform Intracranial Aneurysm in a Professional Soccer Player: A Case Report. Frontiers in Neurology Impact factor: 4.086
Meier D, Rachid L, J Wiedemann S, Traub S, Trimigliozzi K, Stawiski M, Sauteur L, Winter D, Le Foll C, Brégère C, Guzman R, Odermatt A, Böni-Schnetzler M, Donath M. Prohormone convertase 1/3 deficiency causes obesity due to impaired proinsulin processing. Nature Communications Impact factor: 17.694
Hallenberger T, Guzman R, Soleman J. Minimally invasive image-guided endoscopic evacuation of intracerebral haemorrhage: How I Do it. Acta Neurochirurgica (Wien) Impact factor: 2.816
Hopf A, Al-Bayati L, Schaefer DJ, Kalbermatten DF, Guzman R, Madduri S. Optimized Decellularization Protocol for Large Peripheral Nerve Segments: Towards Personalized Nerve Bioengineering. Bioengineering (Basel) Impact factor 5.046
Ghosh N, Bregere C, Bustos P, Guzman R. L-Ala-L-Gln Suppresses Hypoxic Phenotype and Fibrogenic Activity of rat Perineurial Fibroblasts. CNS Neurological Disorders-Drug Targets Impact factor: 2.824
Rocco FD, Licci M, Garde A, Mottolese C, Thauvin-Robinet C, Chevarin M, Guibaud L, Vabres P, Kuentz P, Faivre L. Surgical management of Chiari malformation typeassociated to MCAP syndrome and study of cerebellar and adjacent tissues for PIK3CA mosaicism. European Journal of Medical Genetics Impact factor: 2.465
Lehnerer V, Roidl A, Romantsik O, Guzman R, Wellmann S, Bruschettini M. Mesenchymal stem cell therapy in perinatal arterial ischemic stroke: systematic review of preclinical studies. Pediatr Research Impact factor: 3.953
Greuter L, Schenker T, Guzman R, Soleman J. Endoscopic third ventriculostomy compared to ventriculoperitoneal shunt as treatment for idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus: a systematic review and meta-analysis. British Journal of Neurosurgery Impact factor: 1.124
Raabe A, Beck J, Goldberg J, Graggen WJZ, Branca M, Marbacher S, D'Alonzo D, Fandino J, Stienen M N, Neidert MC, Burkhardt J-K, Regli L, Hlavica M, Seule M, Roethlisberger M, Guzman R, Zumofen D, Maduri R, Daniel R, El Rahal A, Corniola MV, Bijlenga P, Schaller K, Rölz R, Scheiwe C, Shah M, Heiland DH, Schnell O, Fung C. Herniation World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies Scale Improves Prediction of Outcome in Patients With Poor-Grade Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. Multicenter Studie. Stroke Impact factor: 10.170
Kenhagho H, Canbaz F, Hopf A, Guzman R, Cattin P, Zam A. Toward optoacoustic sciatic nerve detection using an all-fiber interferometric-based sensor for endoscopic smart laser surgery. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine Impact factor: 2.703
Croci DM, Sivanrupan S, Wanderer S, Agnoletto GJ, Chiappini A, Grüter BE, Andereggen L, Mariani L, Taussky P, Marbacher S. Preclinical and clinical role of interleukin-6 in the development of delayed cerebral vasospasm and neuronal cell death after subarachnoid hemorrhage: towards a potential target therapy? Neurosurgical Review Impact factor: 2.800
Ebel F, Greuter L, Lutz K, Häni L, Fandino J, Guzman R, Mariani L, Beck J, Raabe A, Z'Graggen WJ, Schucht P, Soleman J. The Role of Active or Passive Drainage after Evacuation of Chronic Subdural Hematoma: An Analysis of Two Randomized Controlled Trials (cSDH-Drain-Trial and TOSCAN Trial). Diagnostics (Basel) Impact factor: 3.992
Maldaner N, Visser V, Hostettler I Ch, Bijlenga Ph, Haemmerli J, Roethlisberger M, Guzman R, Daniel RT, Giammattei L, Stienen MN, Regli L, Verbaan D, Post R, Germans MR. External Validation of the HATCH (Hemorrhage, Age, Treatment, Clinical State, Hydrocephalus) Score for Prediction of Functional Outcome After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. Neurosurgery Impact factor: 5.315
Stricker S, Eberhard N, Licci M, Greuter L, Zweifel C, Guzman R, Soleman J. Wound closure with a mesh and liquid tissue adhesive (Dermabond Prineo) system in pediatric spine surgery: a prospective single-center cohort study incorporating parent-reported outcome measures. Journal of Neurosurgery-Pediatrics Impact factor: 2.713
Dalolio M, Cordier D, Al-Zahid S, Bennett WO, Pepageran N, Waran V, Mariani L, Koepp R, Brand Y , Roethlisberger M. The Role of Endonasal Endoscopic Skull Base Repair in Posttraumatic Tension Pneumocephalus. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery Impact factor: 1.172
Tu Ha T, Thieringer FM, Bammerlin M, Cordier D. High Precision Bone Cutting by Er: YAG Lasers Might Minimize the Invasiveness of Navigated Brain Biopsies. Frontiers in Oncology Impact factor: 5.738
Eisenhut L, Sadeghi-Bahmani D, Gerber M, Saemann A, Staub L, Brand S, Cordier D. Effects of two types of exercise training on psychological well-being, sleep and physical fitness in patients with high-grade glioma (WHO III and IV). RCT. Journal of Psychiatric Research Impact factor: 5.250
Kamenova M, Li E, Soleman J, Fiebig O, Mehrkens A, Schaeren S. Posterior stabilization with polyetheretherketone (PEEK) rods and transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF) with titanium rods for single-level lumbar spine degenerative disease in patients above 70 years of age. Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery Impact factor: 2.928
Straumann S, Schaft E, Noordmans HJ, Dankbaar JW, Otte WM, van Steenis J, Smits P, Zweiphenning W, van Eijsden P, Gebbink T, Mariani L, A Van't Klooster M, Zijlmans M. The spatial relationship between the MRI lesion and intraoperative electrocorticography in focal epilepsy surgery. Brain Communication Impact factor: 1.01
Leu S, Cahill J, Grundy P L. A prospective study of shared decision-making in brain tumor surgery. Acta Neurochirurgica (Wien) Impact factor: 2.816
Li A, Muenst S, Hoffman J, Starck L, Sarem M, Fischer A, Hutter G, Shastri VP. Mesenchymal-endothelial nexus in breast cancer spheroids induces vasculogenesis and local invasion in a CAM model. Communications Biology Impact factor: 6.548
Shekarian T, Zinner AP, Bartoszek EM, Duchemin W, Wachnowicz AT, Hogan S, Etter MM, Flammer J, Paganetti C, Martins TA, Schmassmann P, Zanganeh S, Le Goff F, Muraro MG, Ritz M-F, Phillips D, Bhate SS, Barlow GL, Nolan GP, Schürch CM, Hutter G. Immunotherapy of glioblastoma explants induces interferon-γ responses and spatial immune cell rearrangements in tumor center, but not periphery. Science Advanced Impact factor: 14.980
Rychen J, Soleman J, Mariani L, Raphael G, Saeman A, Hutter G, Röthlisberger M, Gehweiler EJ, Müller-Gerbel M. The sylvian keyhole approach for surgical clipping of middle cerebral artery aneurysms: Technical nuance to the minipterional craniotomy. Frontiers in Surgery Impact factor: 2.568
Ho JQ, Sepand MR, Bigdelou B, Shekarian T, Esfandyarpour T, Chauhan P, Serpooshan V, Beura LK, Hutter G, Zanganeh S. The immune response to COVID-19: Does sex matter? Immunology Impact factor: 7.215
Bigdelou B, Sepand M R, Najafikhoshnoo S, Negrete JAT, Sharaf M, Ho JQ, Sullivan I, Chauhan P, Etter MM, Shekarian T, Liang O, Hutter G, Esfandiarpour R, Zanganeh S. COVID-19 and Preexisting Comorbidities: Risks, Synergies, and Clinical Outcomes. Frontiers in Immunology Impact factor: 8.787
Sanabria-Diaz G, Etter M, Melie-Garcia L, Lieb JM, Psychogios M-N, Hutter G, Granziera C. Brain cortical alterations in COVID-19 patients with neurological symptoms. Frontiers in Neuroscience Impact factor: 5.152
Huber M, Luedi MM, Schubert GA, Musahl C, Tortora A, Frey J, Beck J, Mariani L, Christ E, Andereggen L. Machine Learning for Outcome Prediction in First-Line Surgery of Prolactinomas. Frontiers in Endocrinology (Lausanne) Impact factor: 6.055
Publikationen Klinik für Neurochirurgie Universitätsspital Basel 2021
Peer reviewed articles
- Chiappini A, Greuter L, Mariani L, Guzman R, Soleman J. Mortality and Outcome in Patients Older Than 80 Years of Age Undergoing Burr-Hole Drainage of Chronic Subdural Hematoma. World Neurosurgery 2021. Impact factor: 2.104
- Croci D, Chiappini A, Croci D M, Sivanrupan S, Wanderer S, Agnoletto G J, Grüter B E, Andereggen L, Mariani L, Taussky P, Marbacher S. Preclinical and Clinical Role of Interleukin-6 in the Development of Delayed Cerebral Vasospasm and Neuronal Cell Death after Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Towards a Potential Target Therapy? Neurosurgical Review. Impact factor: 3.042
- Filippi V, Leu S, Marengo L, Hoesli I. Anaplastic Astrocytoma During Pregnancy: the Importance of an Effective Multidisciplinary Approach. BMJ Case Reports 2021 Impact factor: 0.48
- Leu S, Halbeisen F, Mariani L, Soleman J. Intraoperative Ultrasound-guided Compared to Stereotactic Navigated Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Placement: Study Protocol for a Randomised Controlled Study. Trials 2021. Impact factor: 2.279
- Dalolio M, Cordier D, Al-Zahid S, Bennett WO, Prepageran N, Waran V, Mariani L, Koeppl R, Brand Y and Roethlisberger M. The Role of Endonasal Endoscopic Skull Base Repair in Posttraumatic Tension Pneumocephalus. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2020. Impact factor: 1.046
- Berkmann S and Roethlisberger M, Mueller B, Christ-Crain M, Mariani L, Nitzsche E and Juengling F. Selective Resection of Cushing Microadenoma Guided by Preoperative Hybrid 18-fluoroethyl-L-tyrosine and 11-C-methionine PET/MRI. Pituitary 2021. Impact factor: 4.107
- Hostettler IC, Jayashankar N, Bikis C, Wanderer S, Nevzati E, Karuppiah R, Waran V, Kalbermatten D, Mariani L, Marbacher S, Guzman R, Madduri S and Roethlisberger M. Clinical Studies and Pre-clinical Animal Models on Facial Nerve Preservation, Reconstruction, and Regeneration Following Cerebellopontine Angle Tumor Surgery-A Systematic Review and Future Perspectives. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 2021. Impact factor: 5.89
- Ebel F, Ullmann M, Guzman R, Soleman J. Does the Discontinuation Time of Antiplatelet or Anticoagulation Treatment Affect Hemorrhagic Complications in Patients Undergoing Craniotomy for Neurovascular Lesions? British Journal of Neurosurgery 2021 Impact factor: 1.596
- Ebel F, Greuter L, Licci M, Guzman R, Soleman J. Endoscopic and Endoscopically-Assisted Resection of Intraventricular Lesions Using a Neuroendoscopic Ultrasonic Aspirator. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2021. Impact factor: 4.242
Kozyrev D A, Soleman J, Tsering D, Keating R F, Hersh D S, Boop F A, Spennato P, Cinalli G, Tamburrini G, Thomale U-W, Robert J Bollo R J, Chatterjee S, Srinivasan H L, Constantini S, Roth J. Pediatric Thalamic Incidentalomas: an International Retrospective Multicenter Study. Journal of Neurosurgery Pediatrics Impact factor: 2.375
Greuter L, Guzman R, Soleman J. Typical Pediatric Brain Tumors Occurring in Adults-Differences in Management and Outcome. Biomedicines 2021 Impact factor: 6.081
Gross M, Läubli H P, Cordier D: Multidisciplinary Tumor Boards as Videoconferences – A new Challenge in the COVID-19 era; Annals of Oncology 2020 Impact factor 32.976
Rezaei F, Mohammadi H, Heydari M, Sadeghi M, Mozaffari HR, Khavid A, Godiny M, Brand S, Dürsteler K, Cordier D, Sadeghi- Bahmani D: Association between IL-8 (-251T/A) and IL-6 (-174G/C) Polymorphisms and Oral Cancer Susceptibility: A Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Meta-regression; Medicina 2021 Impact Factor: 2.43
Hofer S, Keller K, Imbach L, Roelcke U, Hutter G, Hundsberger T, Hertler C, Le Rhun E, Vasella F, Cordier D, Neidert M, Hottinger A, Migliorini D, Pflugshaupt T, Eggenberger N, Baumert B, Läubli H, Gramatzki D, Reinert M, Pesce G, Schucht P, Frank I, Lehnick D, Weiss T, Wirsching HG, Wolpert F, Roth P , Weller M: Fitness-to-drive for glioblastoma patients: Guidance from the Swiss Neuro-Oncology Society (SwissNOS) and the Swiss Society for Legal Medicine (SGRM); Swiss medical weekly 2021 Impact factor: 2.193
Greuter L, Guzman R, Soleman J. Pediatric and Adult Low-Grade Gliomas: Where Do the Differences Lie? Children (Basel) 2021 Impact factor: 2.863
Soleman J, Dvir R, Ben-Sira L, Yalon M, Boop F, Constantini S, Roth J. MRI-based Diagnosis and Treatment of Pediatric Brain Tumors: is Tissue Sample Always Needed? Child`s Nervous System 2021 Impact factor: 1.475
Soleman J, Kozyrev D A, Constantini S, Roth J. Surgical Treatment and Outcome of Posterior Fossa Arachnoid Cysts in Infants. Journal of Neurosurgery Pediatrics 2021 Impact factor: 2.375
Greuter L, Rosa A D, Cattin P, Croci D M, Soleman J, Guzman R. Randomized Study Comparing 3D Virtual Reality and Conventional 2D on-screen Teaching of Cerebrovascular Anatomy. Neurosurgical Focus 2021 Impact factor: 4.047
Ullmann M, Guzman R, Mariani L, Soleman J. The effect of Anti-thrombotics on the Postoperative Bleeding Rate in Patients Undergoing Craniotomy for Brain Tumor. British Journal of Neurosurgery 2021 Impact factor: 1.596
Greuter L, Croci D M, Zumofen D W, Ibe R, Westermann B, Mariani L, Soleman J, Guzman R. Augmented Reality Fluorescence Imaging in Cerebrovascular Surgery: A Single-Center Experience with Thirty-Nine Cases. World Neurosurgery 2021 Impact factor: 2.104
Frank N, Beinemann J, Thieringer F M, Benitez B K, Kunz Ch, Guzman R, Soleman J The Need for Overcorrection: Evaluation of Computer-assisted, Virtually Planned, Fronto-orbital Advancement Using Postoperative 3D Photography. Neurosurgical Focus 2021 Impact factor: 4.047
Degrugillier L, Prautsch K M, Schaefer D J, Guzman R, Schären S, Kalbermatten D F, Madduri S. A new Model of Chronic Peripheral Nerve compression for basic research and pharmaceutical drug testing. Regenerative Medicine 2021 Impact factor: 3.806
Dragos Inta, Guzman R, Gass P. Microglia Activation and Adult Neurogenesis in the Hippocampus: New Clues about the Antidepressant Effect of Minocycline. Brain, Behavior and Immunity 2021 Impact factor: 7.217
Schatlo B, Fung Ch, Stienen M N, Fathi A R, Fandino J, Smoll N R, Zumofen D, Daniel R T, Burkhardt J-K, Bervini D, Marbacher S, l Reinert M, Alonzo D D, Ahlborn P, Mendes Pereira V, Roethlisberger M, Seule M, Kerkeni H , Remonda L, Weyerbrock A, Woernle K, Venier A, Perren F, Sailer M, Robert Th, Rohde V, Schöni D, Goldberg J, Nevzati E, Diepers M, Gralla J, Z'Graggen W, Starnoni D, Woernle Ch, Maldaner N, Kulcsar Z, Mostaguir K, Maduri R, Eisenring Ch, Bernays R, Ferrari A, Dan-Ura H, Finkenstädt S, Gasche Y, Sarrafzadeh A, Jakob S M, Corniola M, Baumann F, Regli L, Levivier M, Hildebrandt G, Landolt H, Mariani L, Guzman R, Beck J, Raabe A, Keller E, Bijlenga Ph, Schaller K. Incidence and Outcome of Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: The Swiss Study on Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (Swiss SOS). Stroke 2021 Impact factor: 7.914
Degrugillier L, Prautsch K M, Schaefer D J, Guzman R, Kalbermatten D F, Schären St, Madduri S. Systematic Investigation and Comparison of US FDA-approved Immunosuppressive Drugs FK506, Cyclosporine and Rapamycin for Neuromuscular Regeneration Following Chronic Nerve Compression Injury. Regenerative Medicine 2021 Impact factor: 3.806
Brkic S, StivalaS, Santopolo A, Szybinski J, Jungius S, Passweg J R, Tsakiris D, Dirnhofer St, Hutter G, Leonards K, Lischer H E L, Dettmer M S, Neel B G, Levine R L, Meyer S C. Dual Targeting of JAK2 and ERK Interferes with the Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Clone and Enhances Therapeutic Efficacy. Leukemia 2021 Impact factor: 11.528
Schunk St J, Beisswenger Ch, Ritzmann F, Herr Ch, Wagner M, Triem S, Hutter G, Schmit D, Zewinger St, Sarakpi T, Honecker A, Mahadevan P, Boor P, Wagenpfeil St, Jörres R, Watz H, Welte T, Vogelmeier C F, Gröne H-J, Fliser D, Speer Th, Bals R. Measurement of Urinary Dickkopf-3 Uncovered Silent Progressive Kidney Injury in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Kidney International 2021 Impact factor: 10.612
Pantelyushin St, Ranninger E, Guerrera D, Hutter G, Maake C, Markkanen E, Bettschart-Wolfensberger R, Rohrer Bley C, Läubli H, Vom Berg J. Cross-Reactivity and Functionality of Approved Human Immune Checkpoint Blockers in Dogs. Cancers (Basel) 2021 Impact factor: 6.639
Saleh Ch, Seidl U, Hutter G, Hund-Georgiadis M. The need for Neuroimaging in First Manifestations of Psychiatric Symptoms. Surgical Neurology International 2021 Impact factor: 1.669
Schunk St J, Triem S, Schmit D, Zewinger St, Sarakpi T, Becker E, Hutter G, Wrublewsky S, Küting F, Hohl M, Alansary D, Prates Roma L, Lipp P, Möllmann J, Lehrke M, W Laschke M W, Menger M D, Kramann R, Boor P, Jahnen-Dechent W, März W, Böhm M, Laufs U, Niemeyer B A, Fliser D, Ampofo E, Speer Th. Interleukin-1α Is a Central Regulator of Leukocyte-Endothelial Adhesion in Myocardial Infarction and in Chronic Kidney Disease. Circulation 2021 Impact factor: 26.690
Salas De Armas I A, Akkanti B, Doshi P B, Patel M, Kumar S, Akay M H, Hussain R, Dinh K, Baloch M Y, Ahmed M S, Banjac I, Jumean M F, McGinness K, Janowiak L M, Agrawal K M, Nathan S, Zaki J, Nieto L, Klein K, Taub E, Tint H, Patel J A, Nascimbene A, Kar B, Gregoric I D. Traumatic Respiratory Failure and Veno-venous Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Support. Perfusion 2021 Impact factor: 0.910
Harvin J A, Adams S D, Dodwad Sh-J M, Isbell K D, Pedroza Cl, Green Ch, Tyson J E, Ethan A Taub, Meyer D E, Moore L J, Albarado R, McNutt M K, Kao L S, Wade Ch E, Holcomb J B. Damage control laparotomy in trauma: a pilot randomized controlled trial. The DCL trial. Trauma Surgery and Acute Care Open 2021 Impact factor: - 1.88
Roesch A D, Gschwandtner U, Handabaka I, Meyer A, Taub E, Fuhr P. Effects of Rhythmic Interventions on Cognitive Abilities in Parkinson's Disease. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitiv Disorders 2021 Impact factor: 2.959
Thomale U W, Auer C, Spennato P, Schaumann A, Behrens P, Gorelyshev S, Bogoslovskaia E, Shulaev A, Kabanian A, Seliverstov A, Alexeev A, Ozgural O, Kahilogullari G, Schuhmann M, Jimenez-Guerra R, Wittayanakorn N, Sukharev A, Marquez-Rivas J, Linsler S, El Damaty A, Vacek P, Lovha M, Guzman R, Stricker S, Beez T, Wiegand C, Azab M, Buis D, Sáez M, Fleck S, Dziugan C, Ferreira A, Radovnicky T, Bührer C, Lam S, Sgouros S, Roth J, Constantini S, Cavalheiro S, Cinalli G, Kulkarni A V, Bock H C. TROPHY registry - status report. Child`s Nervous System 2021 Impact factor: 1.475
Boulouis G, Hak J-F, Kerleroux B, Benichi S, Stricker S, Gariel F, Alias Q, Bourgeois M, Meyer Ph, Kossorotoff M, Garzelli L, Garcelon N, Boddaert N, Morotti A, Blauwblomme Th, Naggara O. Hemorrhage Expansion After Pediatric Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Stroke 2021 Impact factor: 7.914
Stricker S, Boulouis G, Benichi S, Bourgeois M, Gariel F, Garzelli L, Hak J-F, Alias Q, Kerleroux B, Beccaria K, Chivet A, de Saint Denis T, James S, Paternoster G, Zerah M, Kossorotoff M, Boddaert N, Brunelle F, Meyer Ph, Puget St, Naggara O, Blauwblomme Th Acute surgical management of children with ruptured brain arteriovenous malformation. Journal of Neurosurgery-pediatrics 2021 Impact factor : 2.375
Boulouis G, Stricker S, Benichi S, Hak J-F, Gariel F, Kossorotoff M, Garcelon N, Harroche A, Alias Q, Garzelli L, Fanny Bajolle, Boddaert N, Meyer Ph, Blauwblomme Th, Naggara O Mortality and functional outcome after pediatric intracerebral hemorrhage: cohort study and meta-analysis. Journal of Neurosurgery-pediatrics 2021 Impact factor : 2.375
Jean-Francois Hak, Boulouis G, Kerleroux B, Benichi S, Stricker S, Gariel F, Garzelli L, Meyer Ph, Kossorotoff M, Boddaert N, Vidal V, Girard N, Dangouloff-Ros V, Brunelle F,Fullerton H, Hetts St W, Blauwblomme Th, Naggara O. Pediatric brain arteriovenous malformation recurrence: a cohort study, systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Neurointerventional Surgery 2021 Impact factor: 5.836
Di Rocco F, Licci M, Paasche A, Szathmari A, Beuriat P A, Mottolese C. Fixed Posterior Cranial Vault Expansion Technique. Child`s Nervous System 2021 Impact factor: 1.475
Licci M, Zaed I, Beuriat P-A, Szathmari A, Guibaud L, Mottolese C, Di Rocco F. CSF Shunting in Myelomeningocele-related Hydrocephalus and the Role of Prenatal Imaging. Child`s Nervous System 2021 Impact factor: 1.475
Zaed I, Tinterri B, Licci M, Cannizzaro D. Letter to the Editor Regarding "Medical Student Concerns Relating to Neurosurgery Education During COVID-19". World Neurosurgery 2021 impact factor: 2.104
Berkmann S, Brun J, Schuetz Ph, Christ E, Mariani L, Mueller B. Prevalence and Outcome of Comorbidities Associated with Acromegaly. Acta Neurochirurgica (Wien) 2021 Impact factor: 2.216
Gennaro M, Listorti Ch, Mariani L, Maccauro M, Bianchi G, Capri G, Maugeri I, Lozza L, De Santis M C, Folli S. Oncological safety of selective axillary dissection after axillary reverse mapping in node-positive breast cancer. European Journal of Surgical Oncology 2021 Impact factor: 3.184
Andereggen L, Gralla J, Schroth G, Mordasini P, Andres R H, Widmer H R, Luedi M M, Kellner F, Beck J, Mariani L, Ozdoba Ch, Christ E. Influence of Inferior Petrosal Sinus Drainage Symmetry on Detection of Adenomas in Cushing's Syndrome. Journal of Neuroradiology 2021 Impact factor: 3.447
Laura D Locati, Stefano Cavalieri, Cristiana Bergamini, Carlo Resteghini, Elena Colombo, Giuseppina Calareso, Mariani L, Pasquale Quattrone, Salvatore Alfieri, Paolo Bossi, Francesca Platini, Iolanda Capone, Lisa Licitra Abiraterone Acetate in Patients with Castration-Resistant, Androgen Receptor-Expressing Salivary Gland Cancer: A Phase II Trial. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2021 Impact factor: 44.544
Frezza A M, Ravi V, Lo Vullo S, Vincenzi B, Tolomeo F, Wei-Wu Chen T, Teterycz P, Baldi G G, Italiano A, Penel N, Brunello A, Duffaud F, Hindi N, Iwata Sh, Smrke A, Fedenko A, Gelderblom H, Van Der Graaf W, Vozy A, Connolly E, Grassi M, Benjamin R S, n Broto J-M, Grignani G, Jones R L, Kawai A, Tysarowski A, Mariani L, Casali P G, Stacchiotti S. Systemic Therapies in Advanced Epithelioid Haemangioendothelioma: A Retrospective International Case Series from the World Sarcoma Network and a Review of Literature. Cancer Medicine 2021 Impact factor: 4.452
Book Chapter
- Roethlisberger M, Cordier D, Hench J, Jadczak A, Brand Y, Mariani L, Narayanan P, Waran V: Sellar, Parasellar and Suprasellar Meningioma in: Atlas of 360 Degree Skull Base Surgery; Editors: Jayashankar N, Narayanan P; Thieme Publishers 2021
Publikationen Klinik für Neurochirurgie Universitätsspital Basel 2020
Peer-reviewed articles
- Soleman J, Ullmann M, Greuter L, Ebel F, Guzman R. Mortality and Outcome in Elderly Patients Undergoing Emergent or Elective Cranial Surgery. World Neurosurg 2020. Impact factor: 1.829
- Greuter L, Lutz K, Fandino J, Mariani L, Guzman R, Soleman J. Drain type after burr-hole drainage of chronic subdural hematoma in geriatric patients: a subanalysis of the cSDH-Drain randomized controlled trial. Neurosurg Focus 2020. Impact factor: 2.891
- Leu S, Kamenova M, Mariani L, Soleman J. Ultrasound-Guided Insertion of the Ventricular Catheter in Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Surgery: Evaluation of Accuracy and Feasibility in a Prospective Cohort. J Neurol Surg A Cent Eur Neurosurg 2020. Impact factor: 0.0905
- Lalgudi Srinivasan H, Valdes-Barrera P, Agur A, Soleman J, Ekstein M, Korn A, Vendrov I, Roth J, Constantini S. Filum terminale lipomas-the role of intraoperative neuromonitoring. Childs Nerv Syst. 2020. Impact factor: 1.298
- Kamenova M, Wanderer S, Lipps P, Marbacher S, Mariani L, Soleman J. In Reply to the Letter to the Editor Regarding "When the Drain Hits the Brain”. World Neurosurg 2020. Impact factor: 1.829
- Serafimova M, Soleman J, Stoessel T, Guzman R, Constantini S, Roth J. Peritoneal insertion of shunts in children: comparison between trocar and laparoscopically guided insertion. Childs Nerv Syst. 2020. Impact factor: 1.298
- Ebel F, Guzman R, Soleman J. Burr hole trepanation and insertion of a subperiosteal drain for chronic subdural haematoma: how I do it. Acta Neurochir 2020. Impact factor: 1.870
- Greuter L, Hejrati N, Soleman J. Type of Drain in Chronic Subdural Hematoma-A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Front Neurol. 2020. Impact factor: 2.889
- Soleman J, Kozyrev DA, Ben-Sira L, Constantini S, Roth J. Management of incidental brain tumors in children: a systematic review. Childs Nerv Syst. 2020. Impact factor: 1.298
- Knorr C, Greuter L, Constantini S, Fried I, Kremer U, Datta AN, Guzman R, Soleman J. Subgroup analysis of seizure and cognitive outcome after vagal nerve stimulator implantation in children. Childs Nerv Syst. 2020. Impact factor: 1.298
- Soleman J, Guzman R. Neurocognitive Complications after Ventricular Neuroendoscopy: A Systematic Review. Behav Neurol. 2020. Impact factor: 2.093
- Kamenova M, Lutz K, Schaedelin S, Fandino J, Mariani L, Soleman J. Subperiosteal versus Subdural Drain After Burr-hole Drainage Under Blood Thinners: A Subanalysis of the cSDH-Drain RCT. World Neurosurg. 2020. Impact factor: 1.829
- Hejrati N, Guzman R, Soleman J. In reply to: "Is it experience or lesson?". Childs Nerv Syst. 2020. Impact factor:1.298
- Hejrati N, Guzman R, Soleman J. In Reply to "A suggestion to the article "Acute cerebellar edema after traumatic brain injury in a child. a case report". Childs Nerv Syst. 2020. Impact factor: 1.298
- Kamenova M, Wanderer S, Lipps P, Marbacher S, Mariani L, Soleman J. When the Drain Hits the Brain. World Neurosurg. 2020. Impact factor: 1.829
- Licci M, Thieringer FM, Guzman R, Soleman J. Development and validation of a synthetic 3D-printed simulator for training in neuroendoscopic ventricular lesion removal. Neurosurg Focus. 2020. Impact factor: 2.891
- Edlmann E, Holl DC, Lingsma HF, Bartek J Jr, Bartley A, Duerinck J, Jensen TSR, Soleman J, Shanbhag NC, Devi BI, Laeke T, Rubiano AM, Fugleholm K, van der Veken J, Tisell M, Hutchinson PJ, Dammers R, Kolias AG; International Collaborative Research Initiative on Chronic Subdural Haematoma (iCORIC) study group. Systematic review of current randomised control trials in chronic subdural haematoma and proposal for an international collaborative approach. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 2020. Impact factor: 1.870
- Ebel F, Thieringer FM, Kunz C, Klein-Franke A, Scheinemann K, Guzman R, Soleman J. Melanotic neuroectodermal tumor of infancy to the skull: case-based review. Childs Nerv Syst. 2020. Impact factor: 1.298
- Hejrati N, Ebel F, Guzman R, Soleman J. Posttraumatic cerebrovascular injuries in children. A systematic review. Childs Nerv Syst. 2020. Impact factor: 1.298
- Hejrati N, Guzman R, Soleman J. Acute cerebellar edema after traumatic brain injury in a child. a case report. Childs Nerv Syst. 2020. Impact factor: 1.298
- Kamenova M, Stein M, Ram Z, Grossman R, Guzman R, Mariani L, Roth J, Soleman J. Prophylactic antiepileptic treatment with levetiracetam for patients undergoing supratentorial brain tumor surgery: a two-center matched cohort study. Neurosurg Rev. 2020. Impact factor: 2.495
- Sadeghi Bahmani D, Gonzenbach R, Kesselring J, Bansi J, Motl RW, Cordier D, Rothen O, Niedermoser D, Gerber M, Brand S. Among Persons With Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Objective Sleep, Psychological Functioning, and Higher Physical Activity Scores Remained Stable Over 2 Years-Results From a Small Study Under Naturalistic Conditions. Front Psychiatry. 2020. Impact factor: 3.532
- Stienen MN, Freyschlag CF, Schaller K, Meling T; EANS Young Neurosurgeons and EANS Training Committee. Procedures performed during neurosurgery residency in Europe. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2020. Impact factor: 1.870 (Cordier D. Co-Author)
- Eberhard N, Cordier D. An Unusual Bump on the Head: Intracranial and Extracranial Cytokeratin-Positive Interstitial Reticular Cell Tumor. World Neurosurg. 2020. Impact factor: 1.829
- Croci DM, Dalolio M, Aghlmandi S, Taub E, Rychen J, Chiappini A, Zumofen D, Guzman R, Mariani L, Roethlisberger M. Early permanent cerebrospinal fluid diversion in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: does a lower rate of nosocomial meningitis outweigh the risk of delayed cerebral vasospasm related morbidity? Neurol Res. 2020. Impact factor: 2.401
- Maldaner N, Zeitlberger AM, Sosnova M, Goldberg J, Fung C, Bervini D, May A, Bijlenga P, Schaller K, Roethlisberger M, Rychen J, Zumofen DW, D'Alonzo D, Marbacher S, Fandino J, Daniel RT, Burkhardt JK, Chiappini A, Robert T, Schatlo B, Schmid J, Maduri R, Staartjes VE, Seule MA, Weyerbrock A, Serra C, Stienen MN, Bozinov O, Regli L. Development of a Complication- and Treatment-Aware Prediction Model for Favorable Functional Outcome in Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Based on Machine Learning. Neurosurgery. 2020. Impact factor: 1.829
- Fingerlin TJ, Rychen J, Roethlisberger M, Taub E, Mariani L, Guzman R, Zumofen DW. Long-term aneurysm recurrence and de novo aneurysm formation after surgical treatment of unruptured intracranial aneurysms: a cohort study and systematic review. Neurol Res. 2020. Impact factor: 2.401
- Roethlisberger M, Jayapalan RR, Hostettler IC, Bin Abd Kadir KA, Mun KS, Brand Y, Mariani L, Prepageran N, Waran V. Evolving Strategies for Resection of Sellar/Parasellar Synchronous Tumors via Endoscopic Endonasal Approach: A Technical Case Report and Systematic Review of the Literature. World Neurosurg. 2020. Impact factor: 1.829
- Martins TA, Schmassmann P, Shekarian T, Boulay JL, Ritz MF, Zanganeh S, Vom Berg J, Hutter G. Microglia-Centered Combinatorial Strategies Against Glioblastoma. Front Immunol. 2020. Impact factor: 5.085
- Shevchik S, Nguendon Kenhagho H, Quang-Le T, Faivre N, Meylan B, Guzman R, Cattin PC, Zam A, Wasmer K. Machine Learning Monitoring for Laser Osteotomy. J Biophotonics. 2020. Impact factor: 3.032
- Hopf A, Schaefer DJ, Kalbermatten DF, Guzman R, Madduri S. Schwann Cell-Like Cells: Origin and Usability for Repair and Regeneration of the Peripheral and Central Nervous System. Cells. 2020. Impact factor: 4.366
- Prautsch KM, Schmidt A, Paradiso V, Schaefer DJ, Guzman R, Kalbermatten DF, Madduri S. Modulation of Human Adipose Stem Cells' Neurotrophic Capacity Using a Variety of Growth Factors for Neural Tissue Engineering Applications: Axonal Growth, Transcriptional, and Phosphoproteomic Analyses In Vitro. Cells. 2020. Impact factor: 4.366
- Ghosh N, Kalbermatten D, Madduri S, Guzman R. Fibrosis and Regulation of Nerve Regeneration in the Peripheral and Central Nervous Systems. CNS Neurol Disord Drug Targets. 2020. Impact factor: 2.761
- Curt A, Hsieh J, Schubert M, Hupp M, Friedl S, Freund P, Huber E, Pfyffer D, Sutter R, Jutzeler C, Wüthrich RP, Min K, Casha S, Fehlings MG, Guzman R. The Damaged Spinal Cord Is a Suitable Target for Stem Cell Transplantation. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2020. Impact Factor: 3.982
- Nguendon Kenhagho H, Canbaz F, Gomez Alvarez-Arenas TE, Guzman R, Cattin P, Zam A. Machine Learning-Based Optoacoustic Tissue Classification Method for Laser Osteotomes Using an Air-Coupled Transducer. Lasers Surg Med. 2020. Impact factor: 3.380
- Prautsch KM, Degrugillier L, Schaefer DJ, Guzman R, Kalbermatten DF, Madduri S. Ex-Vivo Stimulation of Adipose Stem Cells by Growth Factors and Fibrin-Hydrogel Assisted Delivery Strategies for Treating Nerve Gap-Injuries. Bioengineering (Basel). 2020. Impact factor: 3.644
- Abbasi H, Beltrán Bernal LM, Hamidi A, Droneau A, Canbaz F, Guzman R, Jacques SL, Cattin PC, Zam A. Combined Nd:YAG and Er: YAG lasers for real-time closed-loop tissue-specific laser osteotomy. Biomed Opt Express. 2020. Impact factor: 3.921
- Lischer M, di Summa PG, Oranges CM, Schaefer DJ, Kalbermatten DF, Guzman R, Madduri S. Human platelet lysate stimulated adipose stem cells exhibit strong neurotrophic potency for nerve tissue engineering applications. Regen Med. 2020. Impact factor: 2.598
- Santo SD, Seiler S, Guzman R, Widmer HR. Endothelial Progenitor Cell-Derived Factors Exert Neuroprotection in Cultured Cortical Neuronal Progenitor Cells. Cell Transplant. 2020. Impact factor: 3.341
- Fisch U, Brégère C, Geier F, Chicha L, Guzman R. Neonatal hypoxia-ischemia in rat elicits a region-specific neurotrophic response in SVZ microglia. J Neuroinflammation. 2020. Impact factor: 4.351
- Rychen J, Zumofen DW, Riina HA, Mariani L, Guzman R. The Transpalpebral Versus the Transciliary Variant of the Supraorbital Keyhole Approach: Anatomic Concepts for Aneurysm Surgery. Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown). 2020. Impact factor: 1.886
- Kaelin-Lang A, You H, Burgunder JM, Lönnfors-Weitze T, Loher TJ, Taub E, Isaias IU, Krauss JK, Michael Schüpbach WM. Bilateral pallidal stimulation improves cervical dystonia for more than a decade. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2020. Impact factor: 4.350
- Stricker S, Boulouis G, Benichi S, Gariel F, Garzelli L, Beccaria K, Chivet A, de Saint Denis T, James S, Paternoster G, Zerah M, Bourgeois M, Boddaert N, Brunelle F, Meyer P, Puget S, Naggara O, Blauwblomme T. Hydrocephalus in children with ruptured cerebral arteriovenous malformation. J Neurosurg Pediatr. 2020. Impact factor: 2.117
- Boulouis G, Stricker S, Benichi S, Hak JF, Gariel F, Alias Q, de Saint Denis T, Kossorotoff M, Bajolle F, Garzelli L, Beccaria K, Paternoster G, Bourgeois M, Garcelon N, Harroche A, Mancusi RL, Boddaert N, Puget S, Brunelle F, Blauwblomme T, Naggara O. Etiology of intracerebral hemorrhage in children: cohort study, systematic review, and meta-analysis. J Neurosurg Pediatr. Impact factor: 2.117
- Saleh C., Jaszczuk P., Hund-Georgiadis M., Frank S., Cordier D., Bratic Hench I., Todea A., Wasilewski A., Wilmes S., Grigioni G., Hench J.: Differentiation of rare brain tumors through unsupervised machine learning: Clinical significance of in-depth methylation and copy number profiling illustrated through an unusual case of IDH wildtype glioblastoma. Clin Neuropathol. 2020. Impact factor: 1.103
Publikationen Klinik für Neurochirurgie Universitätsspital Basel 2019
Peer-reviewed articles
- Soleman J, Lutz K, Schaedelin S, Kamenova M, Guzman R, Mariani L, Fandino J. Subperiosteal vs Subdural Drain After Burr-Hole Drainage of Chronic Subdural Hematoma: A Randomized Clinical Trial (cSDH-Drain-Trial). Neurosurgery 2019. Impact factor: 4.605
- Soleman J, Lutz K, Schaedelin S, Kamenova M, Guzman R, Mariani L, Fandino J. In Reply: Subperiosteal vs Subdural Drain After Burr- Hole Drainage of Chronic Subdural Hematoma: A Randomized Clinical Trial (cSDH-Drain-Trial). Neurosurgery 2019. Impact factor: 4.605
- Lutz K, Kamenova M, Schaedelin S, Guzman R, Mariani L, Fandino J, Soleman J. Time to and Possible Risk Factors for Recurrence after Burr-hole Drainage of Chronic Subdural Hematoma: A Subanalysis of the cSDH-Drain Randomized Controlled Trial. World Neurosurg 2019. Impact factor: 1.723
- Kamenova M, Mueller C, Coslovsky M, Guzman R, Mariani L, Soleman J. Low-dose aspirin and burr-hole drainage of chronic subdural hematoma: study protocol for a randomized controlled study. Trials 2019. Impact factor: 1.975
- Greuter L, Ullmann M, Mariani L, Guzman R, Soleman J. Effect of preoperative antiplatelet or anticoagulation therapy on hemorrhagic complications in patients with traumatic brain injury undergoing craniotomy or craniectomy. Neurosurg Focus 2019. Impact factor: 2.891
- Stienen MN, Bartek J Jr, Czabanka MA, Freyschlag CF, Kolias A, Krieg SM, Moojen W, Renovanz M, Sampron N, Adib SD, Schubert GA, Demetriades AK, Ringel F, Regli L, Schaller K, Meling TR, EANS Young Neurosurgeons and EANS Training Committee. Neurosurgical procedures performed during residency in Europe-preliminary numbers and time trends. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 2019. Impact factor: 1.834
- Hatz F, Meyer A, Roesch A, Taub E, Gschwandtner U, Fuhr P. Quantitative EEG and Verbal Fluency in DBS Patients: Comparison of Stimulator-On and -Off Conditions. Front Neurol 2019. Impact factor: 2.635
- Saleh C, Wilmes S, Blackham KA, Cordier D, Hug K, Hund-Georgiadis M. The cerebellar peduncle as localization of a recurrent atypical plexus papilloma: A case report. Surg Neurol Int 2019. Impact factor: -
- Cordier D, Gerber M, Brand S. Effects of two types of exercise training on psychological well-being, sleep, quality of life and physical fitness in patients with high-grade glioma (WHO III and IV): study protocol Cancer Commun (Lond) 2019. Impact factor: 3.620
- Cordier D, Merlo A. Long-Term Results of Targeted Low-Grade Glioma Treatment with (213)Bi-DOTA-[Thi(8),Met(O(2))(11)]- Substance P. Cancer Biother Radiopharm 2019. Impact factor: 1.894
- Kamenova M, Stein M, Ram Z, Grossman R, Guzman R, Mariani L, Roth J, Soleman J. Prophylactic antiepileptic treatment with levetiracetam for patients undergoing supratentorial brain tumor surgery: a two-center matched cohort study. Neurosurg Rev 2019. Impact factor: 2.532
- Hejrati N, Spieler D, Samuel R, Regli L, Weyerbrock A, Surbeck W. Conscious Experience and Psychological Consequences of Awake Craniotomy. World Neurosurg 2019. Impact factor: 1.723
- Franceschi E, Hofer S, Brandes AA, Frappaz D, Kortmann RD, Bromberg J, Dangouloff-Ros V, Boddaert N, Hattingen E, Wiestler B, Clifford SC, Figarella-Branger D, Giangaspero F, Haberler C, Pietsch T, Pajtler KW, Pfister SM, Guzman R, Stummer W, Combs SE, Seidel C, Beier D, McCabe MG, Grotzer M, Laigle-Donadey F, Guerreiro Stückli AS, Idbaih A, Preusser M, van den Bent M, Weller M, Hau P. EANO- EURACAN clinical practice guideline for diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of post-pubertal and adult patients with medulloblastoma. Lancet Oncol 2019. Impact factor: 35.386
- Andereggen L, Gralla J, Schroth G, Mordasini P, Andres RH, Widmer HR, Luedi MM, Kellner F, Beck J, Mariani L, Ozdoba C, Christ E. Influence of inferior petrosal sinus drainage symmetry on detection of adenomas in Cushing's syndrome. J Neuroradiol 2019. 2.467
- Hainc N, Stippich C, Reinhardt J, Stieltjes B, Blatow M, Mariani L, Bink A. Golden-angle radial sparse parallel (GRASP) MRI in clinical routine detection of pituitary microadenomas: First experience and feasibility. Magn Reson Imaging 2019. Impact factor: 2.112
- Staartjes VE, Stricker S, Muscas G, Maldaner N, Holzmann D, Burkhardt JK, Seifert B, Schmid C, Serra C, Regli L. Intraoperative unfolding and postoperative pruning of the pituitary gland after transsphenoidal surgery for pituitary adenoma: A volumetric and endocrinological evaluation. Endocrine 2019. Impact factor: 3.296
- Roethlisberger M, Jayapalan RR, Hostettler IC, Bin Abd Kadir KA, Mun KS, Brand Y, Mariani L, Prepageran N, Waran V. Evolving Strategies for Resection of Sellar/Parasellar Synchronous Tumors via Endoscopic Endonasal Approach: A Technical Case Report and Systematic Review of the Literature. World Neurosurg 2019. Impact factor: 1.732
- Starnoni D, Maduri R, Al Taha K, Bervini D, Zumofen DW, Stienen MN, Schatlo B, Fung C, Robert T, Seule MA, Burkhardt JK, Maldaner N, Roethlisberger M, Blackham KA, Marbacher S, D'Alonzo D, Remonda L, Machi P, Gralla J, Bijlenga P, Saliou G, Ballabeni P, et al. Correction to: Ruptured PICA aneurysms: presentation and treatment outcomes compared to other posterior circulation aneurysms. A Swiss SOS study. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 2019. Impact factor: 1.834
- Roethlisberger M, Achermann R, Bawarjan S, Stienen MN, Fung C, D'Alonzo D, Maldaner N, Ferrari A, Corniola MV, Schöni D, Goldberg J, Valsecchi D, Robert T, Maduri R, Seule MA, Burkhardt JK, Marbacher S, Bijlenga P, Blackham KA, Bucher HC, Mariani L, Guzman R, Zumofen DW, Swiss SOS Study Group. Impact of Aneurysm Multiplicity on Treatment and Outcome After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. Neurosurgery 2019. Impact factor: 4.605
- Maldaner N, Steinsiepe VK, Goldberg J, Fung C, Bervini D, May A, Bijlenga P, Schaller K, Roethlisberger M, Zumofen DW, D'Alonzo D, Marbacher S, Fandino J, Maduri R, Daniel RT, Burkhardt JK, Chiappini A, Robert T, Schatlo B, Seule MA, Weyerbrock A, Regli L, Stienen MN, Swiss SOS Study Group. Patterns of care for ruptured aneurysms of the middle cerebral artery: analysis of a Swiss national database (Swiss SOS). J Neurosurg 2019. Impact factor: 4.130
- Dijkland SA, Jaja BNR, van der Jagt M, Roozenbeek B, Vergouwen MDI, Suarez JI, Torner JC, Todd MM, van den Bergh WM, Saposnik G, Zumofen DW, Cusimano MD, Mayer SA, Lo BWY, Steyerberg EW, Dippel DWJ, Schweizer TA, Macdonald RL, Lingsma HF; Members of the SAHIT Collaboration. Between-center and between-country differences in outcome after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage in the Subarachnoid Hemorrhage International Trialists (SAHIT) repository. J Neurosurg 2019. Impact factor: 4.130
- Rychen J, Croci D, Roethlisberger M, Nossek E, Potts MB, Radovanovic I, Riina HA, Mariani L, Guzman R, Zumofen DW. Keyhole approaches for surgical treatment of intracranial aneurysms: a short review. Neurol Res 2019. Impact factor: 1.983
- Rychen J, Zumofen DW, Riina HA, Mariani L, Guzman R. The Transpalpebral Versus the Transciliary Variant of the Supraorbital Keyhole Approach: Anatomic Concepts for Aneurysm Surgery. Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown) 2019. Impact factor: 1.470
- Blackburn SL, Cawley CM, Guzman R. Wider Adoption of Flow Diversion for Intracranial Aneurysms. Stroke 2019. Impact factor: 6.058
- Higashida RT, Bruder N, Gupta R, Guzman R, Hmissi A, Marr A, Mayer SA, Roux S, Weidauer S, Aldrich EF. Reversal of Vasospasm with Clazosentan After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: A Pilot Study. World Neurosurg 2019. Impact factor: 1.723
- Croci DM, Wanderer S, Strange F, Grüter BE, Casoni D, Sivanrupan S, Widmer HR, Di Santo S, Fandino J, Mariani L, Marbacher S. Systemic and CSF Interleukin-1 Expression in a Rabbit Closed Cranium Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Model: An Exploratory Study. Brain Sci 2019. Impact factor: 2.786
- Rychen J, Stricker S, Mariani L, Schaeren S, Jost GF. Outcome of Spinal Surgery in Patients Older Than Age 90 Years. World Neurosurg 2019. Impact factor: 1.723
- Croci DM, Dalolio M, Guzman R, Mariani L, Schaeren S, Kamenova M, Soleman J. Direct Oral Anticoagulants in Patients Undergoing Spine Surgery. World Neurosurg 2019. Impact factor: 1.723
- Jost GF, Walti J, Mariani L, Schaeren S, Cattin P. Inertial Measurement Unit-Assisted Implantation of Pedicle Screws in Combination With an Intraoperative 3-Dimensional/2-Dimensional Visualization of the Spine. Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown) 2019. Impact factor: 1.470
- Stricker S, Balmer C, Guzman R, Soleman J. Dizygotic opposite-sex twins with surgically repaired concordant myelomeningocele conceived by in vitro fertilization using intracytoplasmic sperm injection: a case report. Childs Nerv Syst 2019. Impact factor: 1.327
- Licci M, Guzman R, Soleman J. Maternal and obstetric complications in fetal surgery for prenatal myelomeningocele repair: a systematic review. Neurosurg Focus 2019. Impact factor: 2.891
- Hejrati N, Ebel F, Guzman R, Soleman J. Posttraumatic cerebrovascular injuries in children. A systematic review. Childs Nerv Syst 2019. Impact factor: 1.327
- Hejrati N, Guzman R, Soleman J. Acute cerebellar edema after traumatic brain injury in a child. a case report. Childs Nerv Syst 2019. Impact factor: 1.327
- Soleman J, Bartoli A, Korn A, Constantini S, Roth J. Treatment failure of syringomyelia associated with Chiari I malformation following foramen magnum decompression: how should we proceed? Neurosurg Rev 2019. Impact factor: 2.532
- Soleman J, Roth J, Constantini S. Syringo-subarachnoid shunt: how I do it. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 2019. Impact factor: 1.834
- Soleman J, Roth J, Constantini S. Direct syrinx drainage in patients with Chiari I malformation. Childs Nerv Syst 2019. Impact factor: 1.327
- 37. Bartoli A, Soleman J, Berger A, Wisoff JH, Hidalgo ET, Mangano FT, Keating RF, Thomale UW, Boop F, Roth J, Constantini S. Treatment Options for Hydrocephalus Following Foramen Magnum Decompression for Chiari I Malformation: A Multicenter Study. Neurosurgery 2019. Impact factor: 4.605
- Soleman J, Ber R, Constantini S, Roth J. The interhemispheric approach in children: our experience and review of the literature. Childs Nerv Syst 2019. Impact factor: 1.327
- Roth J, Soleman J, Kozyrev DA, Jabang JN, Stein M, Grisaru-Soen G, Benvenisti H, Sadot E, Friedman S, Ayalon I, Goldiner I, Stark M, Hassoun E, Constantini S. The value of cerebrospinal fluid lactate levels in diagnosing CSF infections in pediatric neurosurgical patients. Childs Nerv Syst 2019. Impact factor: 1.327
- Roth J, Soleman J, Kozyrev DA, Jabang JN, Stein M, Grisaru-Soen G, Benvenisti H, Sadot E, Friedman S, Ayalon I, Goldiner I, Stark M, Hassoun E, Constantini S. Value of Cerebrospinal Fluid Lactate Levels in Diagnosing Shunt Infections in Pediatric Patients. World Neurosurg 2019. Impact factor: 1.723
- Schaefer T, Ramadoss A, Leu S, Tintignac L, Tostado C, Bink A, Schürch C, Müller J, Schärer J, Moffa G, Demougin P, Moes S, Stippich C, Falbo S, Neddersen H, Bucher H, Frank S, Jenö P, Lengerke C, Ritz MF, Mariani L, Boulay JL. Regulation of glioma cell invasion by 3q26 gene products PIK3CA, SOX2 and OPA1. Brain Pathol 2019. Impact factor: 6.352
- Shekarian T, Sivado E, Jallas AC, Depil S, Kielbassa J, Janoueix-Lerosey I, Hutter G, Goutagny N, Bergeron C, Viari A, Valsesia- Wittmann S, Caux C, Marabelle A. Repurposing rotavirus vaccines for intratumoral immunotherapy can overcome resistance to immune checkpoint blockade. Sci Transl Med 2019. Impact factor: 17.161
- Zanganeh S, Georgala P, Corbo C, Arabi L, Ho JQ, Javdani N, Sepand MR, Cruickshank K, Campesato LF, Weng CH, Hemayat S, Andreou C, Alvim R, Hutter G, Rafat M, Mahmoudi M. Immunoengineering in glioblastoma imaging and therapy. Wiley Interdiscip Rev Nanome 2019 Impact factor: 6.140
- Buser DP, Ritz MF, Moes S, Tostado C, Frank S, Spiess M, Mariani L, Jenö P, Boulay JL, Hutter G. Quantitative proteomics reveals reduction of endocytic machinery components in gliomas. EBioMedicine 2019. Impact factor: 6.680
- Hutter G, Theruvath J, Graef CM, Zhang M, Schoen MK, Manz EM, Bennett ML, Olson A, Azad TD, Sinha R, Chan C, Assad Kahn S, Gholamin S, Wilson C, Grant G, He J, Weissman IL, Mitra SS, Cheshier SH. Microglia are effector cells of CD47-SIRPα antiphagocytic axis disruption against glioblastoma. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2019. Impact factor: 9.580
- Yan J, Goerne T, Zelmer A, Guzman R, Kapfhammer JP, Wellmann S, Zhu X. The RNA-Binding Protein RBM3 Promotes Neural Stem Cell (NSC) Proliferation Under Hypoxia. Front Cell Dev Biol 2019. Impact factor: 5.206
- Eggenberger S, Boucard C, Schoeberlein A, Guzman R, Limacher A, Surbek D, Mueller M. Stem cell treatment and cerebral palsy: Systemic review and meta-analysis. World J Stem Cells 2019. Impact factor: 5.614
- Zhu X, Yan J, Bregere C, Zelmer A, Goerne T, Kapfhammer JP, Guzman R, Wellmann S. RBM3 promotes neurogenesis in a niche- dependent manner via IMP2-IGF2 signaling pathway after hypoxic-ischemic brain injury. Nat Commun 2019. Impact factor: 11.878
- Nguendon Kenhagho H, Rauter G, Guzman R, Cattin PC, Zam A. Optoacoustic Tissue Differentiation Using a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer. IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroele 2019. Impact factor: 2.730
- Nguendon Kenhagho H, Shevchik S, Saeidi F, Faivre N, Meylan B, Rauter G, Guzman R, Cattin P, Wasmer K, Zam A. Characterization of Ablated Bone and Muscle for Long-Pulsed Laser Ablation in Dry and Wet Conditions. Materials (Basel) 2019. Impact factor: 2.972
Book chapters:
- Roethlisberger M, Waran V, Prepageran N. Endoscopic surgery for sellar and parasellar lesions: A tailored approach, in Narayanan J., (ed.), Sethi S., Sharma S.N. Atlas of Sellar, Suprasellar and Parasellar Lesions. Thieme Medical and Scientific Publishers Private Limited, Uttar Pradesh, India: ISBN 9789388257534, pp. 398-416, 2019.